New Arrival from Colombia
November 20, 2015
This is an organic Colombia decaf Excelso from the village of Apia in the Risaralda district of Armenia. The coffee was produced by the Asociacion de Cultivadores de Apia. The group was founded in 2005 and has 450 members that cultivate 1900 hectares. Apia is located in the middle of three natural parks giving it the second most bird diversity in Colombia. The Swiss Water® Process uses pure green coffee extract and proprietary carbon technology to remove caffeine from green coffee beans. The beans are first soaked in very hot water and caffeine is leached out of the beans’ cellular material to create green coffee extract. The solution is then passed through a carbon filter. They have specified the pore size of the carbon to match the caffeine molecule to ensure only the caffeine is trapped when the caffeine is captured from the green coffee extract. The Swiss Water Process is certified organic and 100% chemical free. In addition, they are also certified Kosher by the Kosher Overseers Association.
CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade Certified USDA Organic
ORGANIZATION| Compromised 450 members
ORIGIN | Colombia
SUBREGION | Apia < Risaralda < Armenia
PRODUCER | Apia Farmer Association
ALTITUDE | 1500 – 1900m
PROCESS | Washed
DRYING | Trillado en Seco
DECAFFEINATED | Swiss Water Process
LOT | 1011
We proudly offer Organic Fair Trade Colombia Tatama Excelso – Swiss Water Decaffeinated in the following products:
USDA Organic Certified Heavenly Project High-Altitude Decaf Blend
Batch #2007 January 27, 2016 – December 11, 2017
Batch #2043 December 12, 2017 – CURRENT
100% USDA Organic Certified Colombia Tatama Excelso Decaffeinated Single Origin
Batch #2050 June 12, 2018 – CURRENT