New Arrival from Peru
July 15, 2014
Alto Palomar has today about 120 farmers growing coffee according to the strict criteria of the organic farming. The coffee is handpicked and processed on-site in the full respect of the ethnic, social, ethical and environmental values of the cultivation area and of its population.
The Fair Trade certification testifies the support given by this coffee to the social development and the local economic viability.
Moreover, its quality is CSC® certified. A coffee accompanied by many guarantees to be proud of!
In addition to all this, the amazing character of this coffee will stun you with its constant quality, balance and the distinct sensory characteristics. Its hints of honey, toasted almond and sweet tobacco go along with a rich body and a delicate acidity. Its cocoa finish will delight you long after the last sip.
Its character makes it ideal for an unblended espresso at any time of day, but it also makes a perfect companion to haute patisserie at breakfast. The particular flavour of this coffee is characterized by its velvety and round body, pleasant acidity and sweet notes of chocolate, cocoa and malt which are perceivable in the persistent aftertaste
This blend of estate coffees contains only CSC® – Associazione Caffè Speciali Certificati certified coffees: on each bag you will find a numbered anti-counterfeiting label that guarantees the sole use of CSC certified coffees.
CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade Certified 100% USDA Organic
ORGANIZATION| Compromised of 120 members
GEOGRAPHIC REGION | Peru, Dept. Junin, Chanchamayo province, San Luis de Shuaro District
QUALITY | High Grown, screen 18
VARIETY | 55% Caturra, 30 typica, 15% varios
ALTITUDE | 1,200 – 1,800 m
PROCESS | Fully Washed
DRYING | Dried in the oven
HARVEST | April – July
LOT | 1002
We proudly offer Organic Alto Palomar Fair Trade Peru in the following products:
100% USDA Organic Certified White Rhino Siganture Blend
Batch #2001 July 15, 2014 – September 19, 2015
Batch #2002 September 22, 2014 – August 21, 2015
Batch #2004 August 25, 2015 – October 21, 2015