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Hi, I'm Becky.

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Once again, we at the Artizan Coffee Company would like to show our commitment to quality by announcing our 2016 USDA organic certification. For the third year in a row, we have been producing delicious organic Fair Trade Nespresso coffee capsules with an emphasis on quality and ethical practices.

Aceh Ketiara Organic Fair Trade

The Ketiara Cooperative was started in 2008 by Ibu Rahmah, the current chairwoman, who had operated and managed her family’s coffee business for 20 years-purchasing cherries, processing the green, and selling to local traders...

YCFCU Yirgacheffe Organic Fair Trade

The coffee-producing land area exceeds 62,000 hectares and YCFCU produces both washed and sundried (natural) Yirgacheffe coffee...

Peru Sol y Café Fair Organic Trade

One of their objectives was to protect the environment, and to help communities and their families to develop and progress...

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