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Hi, I'm Becky.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse gravida tortor eget enim posuere varius. Integer a odio molestie, lacinia sem a, dignissim dui. Vivamus non aliquam risus. Curabitur vitae dui et lacus tincidunt placerat at non ex. Donec sit amet facilisis eros, a tempor urna. Nam viverra consequat lorem, vitae sagittis sem dictum nec. Sed pellentesque sapien venenatis maximus efficitur. Maecenas enim nisl, scelerisque a ante eu, aliquet pretium lorem. Donec gravida ultrices consectetur. 

How to Descale your Nespresso Gemini CS200 & CS220 Pro

Maintaining a healthy Nespresso Gemini CS200 & CS220 Pro is important when regularly making coffee. If consuming coffee is a daily occurrence, it will need to be cleaned to ensure it lives a long and healthy life. Have you ever noticed that your coffee tastes slightly off? Then your Nespresso Gemini CS200 & CS220 Pro […]

Aceh Ketiara Organic Fair Trade

The Ketiara Cooperative was started in 2008 by Ibu Rahmah, the current chairwoman, who had operated and managed her family’s coffee business for 20 years-purchasing cherries, processing the green, and selling to local traders...

How to Descale your Nespresso Gran Maestria

Your Nespresso Gran Maestria is likely a key aspect of your morning routine. You, like many others, will require a coffee when you wake up simply to function the rest of the day. Therefore, showing it a little TLC can help secure a healthy machine for a long time. Have you ever noticed that your […]

How to Descale your Nespresso Machine

Maintaining a healthy Nespresso machine is the key to ensuring it lives a long and tasteful life. If you, like many others, are in need of a brew during those tiresome moments, your Nespresso machine is likely your saving grace. But even your machine needs some love in return. Have you ever noticed that your […]

Peru Sol y Café Organic Fair Trade

One of their objectives was to protect the environment, and to help communities and their families to develop and progress...

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