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We believe that good design brings great impact to the brand.
Brand Experience
We thrive to transform your brand with the innovative ideas.
Creative Digital Solution
Coming up with the disruptive ideas are our daily routine of our design team

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Kevin Miller
Serena Clark
Creative Director
Justin Young
General Manager
Helen Wong
HR Manager
Martin Anderson
Sales Manager
Thomas Moore
Marketing Manager
Joanna Love
Senior Programmer
Steve Alan
Senior Designer
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Pod People: Nespresso’s Push to Become High-End Restaurants’ Go-To Coffee

When you go to a great restaurant (and spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for a meal), you want to be coddled. You want all sorts of exquisite foods, prepared to unimaginably high standards, served with the finest wines and spirits on the entire planet. It follows that if you want coffee after your meal, you want the best. At hundreds of Michelin-starred restaurants around the world, what you’ll actually get is coffee that comes from a metallic pod. In fact, Nespresso is increasingly common at high-end restaurants, and the group is pushing hard to make sure use of its machines becomes even more ubiquitous. And discerning chefs are more than happy with the arrangement.

YCFCU Yirgacheffe Organic Fair Trade

The coffee-producing land area exceeds 62,000 hectares and YCFCU produces both washed and sundried (natural) Yirgacheffe coffee...

Alto Palomar Peru Organic Fair Trade

The coffee is handpicked and processed on-site in the full respect of the ethnic, social, ethical and environmental values of the cultivation area and of its population...


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Lawndale, CA 90260
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